Town of Becket Historical Commission – Meeting, May 30, 2012 @ 7:00pm
In attendance: Aaron, Rob, Rita & Harry Meeting called to order at 7:00pm
The minutes from the April meeting were read. Rita moved to accept the minutes and the minutes passed unanimously.
- The Board of Selectmen has requested that the Historical Commission attend their June 6th meeting
The suspected topic of discussion is the possible relocation of the Historical Commission’s current office
A long discussion ensued about the pros and cons of moving from the current location
Rita volunteered to make a presentation at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting, outlining the duty, responsibilities and mission of the Historical Commission and advocating for the Commission to retain its current office space
We all agreed to be open to hearing what the Board of Selectmen has to say
- Wild and Scenic Rivers will be organizing/designing a sign to be placed in the North Becket Historic District and the Historical Commission has been asked to provide a brief statement about North Becket along with a few photos.
- Rob has started a draft of the statement and we all began looking through our postcard collection for appropriate pictures to be included.
- Rob and Rita will work on researching the businesses that have been located in North Becket through history.
- Received the Becket Arts Center 2012 Season program
- Received a bill for the sleeves to place over the fluorescent lights - $89.38. Aaron moved that we pay the bill, Harry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
- Received an official notice from Craig (Town Administrator) to attend the June 6th Board of Selectmen meeting.
Received a Trust for Public Land catalog
- Rita spoke to Alan from the Quarry about pricing for a 6-foot granite stone. The cost for the stone is approximately $2800. Given the high cost of the stone, we discussed alternate ways to fund the project.
- Rita moved that we begin asking the public for donations to fund the project. The motion passed unanimously.
- Rob agreed to give a short talk on some history of Becket topic for the Becket Arts Center this summer
- Rob attended the Otis Historical Commission meeting in April and they recommended a book titled “Life with the 49th Mass. TTs Vol.” by Henry T. Johnson, as it contains a good amount of information on Becket.
Rita was contacted by Terry Fife of History Works regarding research into the history of Norman Watts Harris, a Becket native who later went on to become a hugely successful banker in Chicago. Rita will assist her as she is able. Terry will be visiting Becket this summer as well.
A motion to adjourn was made by Aaron. Rita seconded and the meeting adjourned at 7:55pm